Thursday, December 11, 2014

Bold as a leopard...


The code of Jewish law teaches us to be bold as a leopard in Tefillah. We learned that it means not to let outside influences disturb our focus during Tefillah and Avodat Hashem. A student asked why leopard, maybe the same applies to a tiger or lion?

Maybe one of you can answer that question.

1 comment:

  1. After some research on leopards, leopards have impeccable ability to go out in the wild and go hunt, and they can also run up to 36 mph. Even though tigers and lions are scary, tigers are one of the most solitary animals there are, always hanging out alone and really not doing much, and lions and most other animals live in their little pack or den. But, leopards are always out hunting, so they are probably the animal you want to be just like in terms of boldness.


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