Monday, December 15, 2014

להתפלל- What does this mean?

Hi all!

Today we continued in our Tefillah discovery lessons with a Dvar about the word used for Prayer services... להתפלל.

We have discovered that when breaking down the word and understanding it's meaning we can better come to an understanding as to what is the purpose of Tefillah services...

להת- do something for yourself
פלל- Learned from Yaakov's feelings when blessing Yoseph's sons that "he would have never thought that he would see Yoseph again or his children"... implies something that you would never have thought to get out of it.

When breaking this word down we come to see how Tefillah gives us the opportunity to do something that would effect us in a way that we never would have thought was possible... and it is something for ourselves, not for Hashem.

What do you think that means in our Tefillah? What can you get from our services that you would not think was possible to get? if any?

Have a great one!

Rabbi Ari Karp

1 comment:

  1. Rashi's most famous comment was on Shemos 19:2- כאיש אחד ולב אחד, (Bnei Yisrael was) like one person with one heart. So, the fact that the word להתפלל means to do something we would never think to get out of for ourselves, this can mean that if the איש אחד fully will daven together, and never leaves a chance to daven, then good things will come from it.


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